Student Health Services
Cape Girardeau School District has provided for the health and physical well-being of students through the establishment of a district wide student health services program. The purpose of the district health services program is to help each student attend school in optimum health, and to benefit from the school experience.
Nurses and other professionals are employed to staff the health services program, and serve under the direction of the building principal. They provide students with current information in health education, conduct periodic vision and scoliosis screenings, maintain health and immunization records, and are available for health assistance.
There is a Health Services Manual that contains the policies, procedures, standing orders, forms, letters to parents, and other general information pertaining to Health Services. Copies of this Manual are available for viewing and are located in the Board of Education Office and in each building's health office.

From the Nurse

Cape Girardeau Public Schools is proud to provide excellent care and health support for your children through the expertise of our skilled nursing staff. Each building is staffed with a full-time Registered Nurse (RN) who has received special training in school health to help promote a happy and healthy learning environment. Our nurses aren't just caregivers but are valuable resources of knowledge for families.
If you have a question related to your child's health, you can reach out to the nurse at your child's school at any time during the school day via email or by calling the main office at your child's building.
Heather Bartels CHS:
Megan Lang CHS:
Paige Hester TWKCJHS:
Angela Stone CMS:
Kim Hanebrink Alma Schrader:
Holly Hall Blanchard:
Julie Pastrick Franklin:
Haylie Selsor Jefferson:
Jenny Lucas ECC/Central Academy:
Ashley Bowers Clippard:

If your student needs to take medication during the school day, please contact your child's school immediately so the school nurse can make sure your child's medicine is given safely and is consistent with school policy.
A student is not allowed to self-administer medications while on district grounds unless the student is allowed by law to do so. For more information on medication at school, please review Policy JHCD.
To grant permission to the school nurse and/or the principal's designee to give medication to your student, please complete the Medication Permission form and take it to your child's school.
Inhaler Self-Administration Permission Form
Epinephrine Auto Injector Self-Administration Form


State law and health regulations require students to be properly immunized and provide verification to attend school unless they have an appropriate exemption card on file. To learn more about the immunizations that are required, please visit the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services website and look under School Requirements.