Virtual Backpack
The Virtual Backpack for Cape Girardeau Public Schools is how our school district shares information about community events and other opportunities with families. Schools within the District, community partners, and nonprofit organizations may submit flyers for approval to share opportunities that will enhance the quality of life for students and families or promote school spirit. All activities shared will be FREE of charge unless they are offered by Cape Girardeau Public Schools, the City of Cape Girardeau or an official partner of the District.
Organizations seeking permission to send information to our families must submit a request in writing at least one month prior to their event. Please email CGPS Communications Director Kristin Tallent at with the digital flyer you wish to share promoting your event. You will be required to submit your flyer for approval before it is posted to the Virtual Backpack. Requests should be free of political or religious wording. The District will not approve for distribution any request that holds the primary purpose of gaining profit, promoting political cause, or promoting religious organizations.
Please note, the Virtual Backpack is replacing all paper flyers from external organizations. Each month, the Virtual Backpack will be cleared and new materials will be added. Thank you for working with us to find eco-friendly ways to connect our families with experiences provided by our community partners and local nonprofit agencies.