Cape Central High student Chase Roberts recently accomplished a goal he has been chasing for seven years. Chase claimed the title of Grand National Champion in the intermediate division (ages 16-20) at the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) Grand National Calling Championships (GNCCs). These championships serve as the Super Bowl of turkey calling competitions, attracting skilled callers from all ages across the country as they compete for over $25,000 in cash and prizes.
Chase began participating in turkey calling contests locally several years ago. He picked up on it quickly and established himself as a top youth caller after hours of practice with some of the top adult callers in the nation. His success has earned the attention of some of the top businesses in the hunting world that now serve as Chase's sponsors.
Calling has allowed Chase to make friends from all over the country as he travels to compete. He also uses his talents to give back to others. Chase has called in a number of turkeys for hunters at youth and veterans events.
Chase, congratulations on being the Grand National Champion! We're proud of you!